A Night at the Gallery Cabaret with UTK

This is the place….

The Gallery Cabaret at 2020 N. Oakley in Chicago’s Bucktown neighborhood.

The Gallery Cabaret is a corner bar with live music 7 nights a week. And never a cover charge. It’s the best place to catch UTK, aka Under The Kitchen. Next Show: April 13, 2013.

The meaningful paint job puts you in the mood before you even enter.

Snazzy side view

Stay tuned for our next performance here. You are most welcome.


In the groove

The interior lighting adds to the atmosphere. We are in a laboratory— a  petri dish of existentialism.

Vassili G captures the garishly dim lighting vibe

The place is anti-pop. You know you’re not in the suburbs anymore when you’re in the GalCab. You’re far from the boondocks, too. The nearest wild animal is a rat.

View from the floor

This would be a likely spot to take a tourist from New Zealand.

For those with hair, it’s a good place to let it down.

UTK fans toast your health

The walls are littered with art done by folks.The bar staff handles the action with a style that ranges from wacky to nonchalant. Kenny is the owner.  In the next photo he’s way at the end of the bar, though looking away from the camera.

Portraits of James Joyce and Edgar Poe hang above the bar

The patrons are music aficionados, hipsters, daily drinkers, musicians, out of work comedians, and assorted misfits who may or may not have a reason to get off their barstool. Everyone is out to have a good time.

UTK has played about 10 gigs at the Gallery Cabaret. It makes for an entertaining night out.

UTK galfans

Sir Plastic Crimewave offers caricatures during recent UTK gig.

Suffering from mildew buildup of the soul? UTK can help.
Rocks harder than other leading bands

Here’s a verite video that will allow you to experience the flagrant relevance of this corner bar. Our cover of Champagne and Reefer

Note the harvest decor gracing the portal.

For more UTK vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/UnderTheKitchen?feature=watch